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Ra Egyptian Sun God

Ra was the Egyptian god sun which is an extremely important role. He was believed to be the most important god of the ancient egyptians. He was a man with a hawk head and he wore a headdress. He also had a big disc shaped item that sat on his head. it was bright red in the middle with a golden ring around the outside. This was to represent the sun. He was the father of Shu and Tefnut. Shu was the god of wind, and Tefnut was the goddess of rain. It was believed that every night, Ra travelled on two solar boats called the mandjet (Boat of a million years) through the underworld of Egypt. Egyptian citizens also believed that whilst Ra was in the underworld, he would visit his various forms. The mandjet would take him through the underworld and then head back up towards the east to get ready for his rebirth as the sun.

The information of Ra’s death is unknown, but there is a myth that when Ra was becoming old, he started to froth at the mouth and dribble saliva. Isis then created a snake out of dust and his saliva and sent it in his path to kill him. Ra was bitten by the snake and was sure to die, but Isis wanted his power, so she healed him and stole his powers.

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